How do you feel by Ondi Madete
a multi-sensory installation
location: T.E.H.D.A.S. R.y – Radioasemantie 1 Pori
opening: sat 15.4 1700-1900
on view: wed-sun 15.4 -30.4
a multi-media, multi-sensory installation exploring empathy and human connection.
conversations with eight amazing, interesting, introspective, curious, generous people. i invite you to hear them speak, watch them move, scent and touch and taste something of how they feel…
then ask yourself… how do you feel?
1700: doors open
1730: some remarks
1900: opening ends
1900 – late: Live and Die in Finland Exhibition’s closing party with… Yavu, Fajro, Conveyor Belt, Alkemi4 and Upstream Ravers.
context of the installation from the artist:
so the way i get to know people is through conversations. long wandering conversations about anything and everything. and i’m not really good at small talk. i want to share how i feel and be in a space where whoever i am with feels they can do the same. i’m better in small groups and in a living room or in the corner of a bar or in a kitchen… i love a good kitchen conversation.
so imagine this… you’ve met a new friend, they invite you over to their place for food. you wander around their living room touching their Vinyl collection and book covers. and you’re in the kitchen, some chai or wine is on the table, you share stories back and forth while you slice tomatoes and fry up something delicious. music plays in the background.
i don’t think it’s possible really to know how someone feels but when i sit and share stories with someone, break bread with them, see and touch and live in their space for a little bit i feel like i can put myself in their shoes a little bit.
and that’s what this installation is. multi-sensory portraits of interesting people i’ve met inviting you to sit and listen and share in the stories these amazing people have generously chosen to share and use all your senses.
dates and times on view:
sat 15.4 1700-2100
sun 16.4 1500-1800
wed – sun 19-23.4 1200-1800
wed – sun 26-30.4 1200-1800
ondi madete is an interdisciplinary artist from kenya living in pori using film, music, spoken and written word, her voice, the ukulele and the guitar to share and collect stories. she can be found around pori performing solo or with the band Yavu, sharing some really personal stories to whoever, or finding ways to make art that is personal, engaging and true with amazing and interesting people.
for more info go to: